Oklahoma Fishing Guides

Lake Hugo Record Monster Turtle

Oklahoma record alligator turtle caught at Lake Hugo
Derik and I were pre-fishing for a tournament on Hugo Lake. We were in Long Creek, which is about a 3 mile long narrow creek and averages about 4′-5′ deep feeding into the lake. We were flippin’ the brush with Texas rigged craws and had been catching lots of nice 3-4 pounders.

Derik flipped up under a limb hanging out over the water and thought he had a bite. When he set the hook he thought he had snagged a log because his line just barely moved off the bank. After feeling it for a few seconds he realized he had something on the line but wasn’t sure if it was a catfish hung up in some brush. His line slowly moved out to the middle of the creek channel and stopped. He could feel that he was still hooked up on something but could not move it.

After about 35 minutes of steady pressure this huge turtle came to the surface, took a breath of air and went straight back to the bottom. After about another 30 minutes of steady pressure, the turtle finally came back to the surface and we fought him to the boat. Derik was fishing with a 7’4 heavy action Falcon Cara, 50lb Spider wire, Owner hook and Revo STX reel. We tied ropes around him and tied him to the side of the boat where he could stay in the water and still breath.

When we made it back to the main lake we hoisted him onto the deck of the boat and tied him down. We took him to town and called our local game warden Wendell Smalling. Wendell came and checked him out and told us we should contact the state game biologist to have look at him. He was convinced the turtle was a common snapping turtle and would be a new record. After contacting the state and doing some internet research there was some confusion of whether the turtle was a common snapper or an alligator snapping turtle. Alligator snapping turtles are a protected species, and it turns out he was an alligator snapper, but since we had done him no harm and reported him to the state department, there were no laws broken.

We had him for about a week and a half before we finally got in touch with the right biologist who specialized in aquatic species. Dan Moore and his team came to Hugo and were amazed at the size of him and how healthy he was. They were very happy to be able to collect some data such as DNA, weight (103lbs.) Length (5′ nose to tail), Width (2.5′ across his back). They estimated his age to 130 +/- years old.

The turtle was implanted with a transmitter chip and was shell marked so he could be identified if he is ever caught again. Then he was released back into the Kiamichi River about 8 miles above the lake. Dan said the reason he was released so far from where he was caught is that these animals are very territorial and could be somewhat aggressive if anything was in their territory.

I have been in contact with Dan and he has told me as far as the records go, he has found this turtle to be the new state record by 32lbs. But he also told me there have not been many record kept on turtle species until he and his team had started their research, and that the largest record was from in the 60’s of a turtle caught on a trot line. So our turtle is officially the state record.

The Oklahoman is going to do a story on him so keep looking for that as well. Click on picture to view larger images.

Editor’s Note: Wow! Now that is really something!! What did you name him while he stayed with you? What did you feed him??

July Free Lures & Tackle Winner

Win free fishing lures, free fishing tackle, free fishing rods, and free tackle boxesTwice a month, www.OklahomaFishingGuides.com awards free lures & tackle to lucky fishing report subscribers.In addition, once a quarter a lucky subscriber will also win an Original Readi-Lure tackle box from Tackle Tech AND at the end of the year, one lucky subscriber will win a customized IM8 Hookhider Fishing Rod.

This week’s winner is Larry O., from Fort Gibson, Oklahoma. Larry will receive an assortment of lures & tackle from Alluring Lures & Tackle, Lead Babies Slabs, The Fish Grip, River Bottom Lures and our newest sponsor SnapTail Lures.

Want a chance to win free fishing lures & tackle OR a new tackle box OR a customized IM8 Hookhider fishing rod? Sign Up Here!

Editor’s Note: Congratulations Larry and good luck with all your fishing adventures this year!

June Tackle Box Winner

Win an Original Readi-Lure tackle box - four chances per year at OklahomaFishingGuides.com and SouthwestFishingGuides.comReadi-Lure Tackle Boxes, made by Tackle Tech, are the most unique, versatile tackle boxes on the market.

On the first Friday of March, June, September and December, a lucky fishing report subscriber will receive an original Readi-Lure Tackle Box! This quarter’s winner is Greg M. from Stockton, Kansas.

Want a chance to win a new tackle box? Sign up here!

Editor’s Note: Congratulations Greg and good luck with all your fishing adventures this year!

June Free Lures & Tackle Winner

Win free fishing lures, free fishing tackle, free fishing rods, and free tackle boxesTwice a month, www.OklahomaFishingGuides.com awards free lures & tackle to lucky fishing report subscribers.In addition, once a quarter a lucky subscriber will also win an Original Readi-Lure tackle box from Tackle Tech AND at the end of the year, one lucky subscriber will win a customized IM8 Hookhider Fishing Rod.

This week’s winner is Kim H., from Adair, Oklahoma. Kim will receive an assortment of lures & tackle from Alluring Lures & Tackle, Lead Babies Slabs, The Fish Grip, River Bottom Lures and our newest sponsor SnapTail Lures.

Want a chance to win free fishing lures & tackle OR a new tackle box OR a customized IM8 Hookhider fishing rod? Sign Up Here!

Editor’s Note: Congratulations Kim and good luck with all your fishing adventures this year!

June Free Lures & Tackle Winner

Win free fishing lures, free fishing tackle, free fishing rods, and free tackle boxesTwice a month, www.OklahomaFishingGuides.com awards free lures & tackle to lucky fishing report subscribers.In addition, once a quarter a lucky subscriber will also win an Original Readi-Lure tackle box from Tackle Tech AND at the end of the year, one lucky subscriber will win a customized IM8 Hookhider Fishing Rod.

This week’s winner is Mike R, from Wilburton, Oklahoma. Mike will receive an assortment of lures & tackle from Alluring Lures & Tackle, Lead Babies Slabs, The Fish Grip, River Bottom Lures and our newest sponsor SnapTail Lures.

Want a chance to win free fishing lures & tackle OR a new tackle box OR a customized IM8 Hookhider fishing rod? Sign Up Here!

Editor’s Note: Congratulations Mike and good luck with all your fishing adventures this year!

New Sponsor, More Free Lures!

Snap Tail Lures
Please welcome our newest sponsor – SnapTail Lures – from Tulsa, Oklahoma!

If you are one of our lucky winners (there are 2 winners per month), your prize package will contain a complete SnapTail Lure System which includes 30 SnapTail worms, 12 snaps & 4 specially weighted hooks ($29.95 value).

SnapTail has created the world’s first interchangeable soft bait worm: combine SnapTail worms and snaps to attract fish in any water. Never get stuck trying to find the right lure when fish are hitting – simply add a colored snap to any SnapTail worm and you’re ready to cast in seconds! To learn more about SnapTail Lures, visit www.SnapTailLures.com

Father’s Day Fishing Report

Father's Day bass fishing report from Lake Tom Steed, submitted by future bass pro Mike Diehl

Future Bass Pro Mike Diehl sends us this Father’s Day fishing report from Lake Tom Steed:

Finally a break in the weather and Father’s Day couldn’t have been better. My son gave me a Father’s Day fishing hat, so off to the lake I went for some practice. I boated three bass with new confidence from my hat and a lot of help from my friends at
www.SeaFoamSales.com. I had a great time! Here is the nicest of the bunch weighing 3lb 14 oz .

I also stopped for a moment to talk fishing with Mike and Caleb Newell of Vernon, Texas. We were chatting it up when their bobber took off under water. The next thing you know they landed this nice crappie that looked to weigh about 1.5 – 2.0lb. Looks like they were having a great Father’s Day as well. Good job guys!

Editor’s Note: Thanks for the report Mike! Looks like it was a truly great Father’s Day in Oklahoma. I sent my Dad a cool rainbow trout coffee mug that I picked up at Beaver’s Bend Fly Shop.

Father Son Fishing @ Broken Bow

Father and Son fishing at Lake Broken Bow Oklahoma
Lake Broken Bow fishing guide Bryce Archey sends us this report:

Last Sunday, 7 year old Cameron Sherbert, his dad Brandon and I went out fishing.

We had an outstanding top water morning! The big fish weighed right at 5 lbs and was the biggest fish Cameron has ever caught. (Click on picture to enlarge.) It was a great outing with father and son.

The bite is still good and I have some openings for the last few days of June if anyone is interested.

Editor’s Note: Way to go Cameron! I’m jealous – what a great bass!! What did you catch him with?

Thanks for the report Bryce! If you want to experience fishing on Lake Broken Bow contact Bryce at 580-494-6447 or 870-582-4561. You can also visit his website at www.brokenbowlakeguide.com.

Tom Steed Record Holder Proclamation

Lake Tom Steed Oklahoma record bass

With some of the best fishing available in the Southwest portion of the state of Oklahoma, Lake Tom Steed and Lake Altus-Lugert need to be added to the lnew state lake records, and I hope to see it done soon. Although these lakes in no way compare to others in the Northeast and Southeast parts of the state, Lake Altus-Lugert does hold the Oklahoma state record hybrid striped bass.

I have fished both the lakes since my arrival in Oklahoma and can tell you that there are not many days that I don’t see a great fish pulled from the water by someone.

Whether its a 50lb flathead catfish, a 7lb hybrid bass, 2+lb crappie or 6lb saugeye, both these lakes have a great variety of fish to challenge any angler and it’s time we give anglers bragging rights – especially if they don’t have the opportunity to fish the better lakes available in Oklahoma.

Here is my most recent catch just the other day. Lake Tom Steed may be a “mud hole” to some, but it’s home to me and with the ever increasing cost of fuel it’s getting harder and harder for fisherman in the Southwest portion to travel to the best lakes in Oklahoma.

Until these lakes are added, I’m claiming the following records for Lake Tom Steed. Fellow fisherman, feel free to better my marks:

  • Largemouth Bass, 6.14lb
  • Crappie, 2.1lb
  • Saugeye, 6.0lb
  • Smallmouth Bass, 5.0lb
  • Hybrid Striped Bass, 6.0lb? possibly bigger
We will just have to use the honor system for now and keep it between friends. Good fishing, practice catch and release to fish another day.

Mike D

Future Bass Pro

Editor’s Note: Well said Mike! This is the first year of the new lakes records program and it appears to be generating alot of interest. I think we will see the Wildlife Department expand the number of lake next year. Perhaps you should volunteer to be an Official Record Keeper in your area. BTW – are you just eyeballing those weights or do you have a working scale in your boat?

Oklahoma Free Fishing Days

Oklahomans looking to try something new with the family this summer may want to give fishing a try, and they can start June 7-8 during Oklahoma’s Free Fishing Days, which allow people to fish without state fishing licenses or permits (including trout licenses and fishing and hunting legacy permits).

Urban areas across the state offer angling opportunities through the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation’s Close to Home Fishing program, which provides quality fishing opportunities without a long drive into the country. Anglers also have access to a number of lakes, rivers, streams and small ponds where they can catch fish all day long as well. And those anglers who just don’t know where to start can turn to the Wildlife Department’s weekly state fishing report to find just the right place to go.

“The Department’s state fishing report reveals inside information on the best places to go angling, when the fish are biting and what baits they are hitting the most,” said Jeff Boxrucker, assistant chief of fisheries for the Wildlife Department.

Compiled by Wildlife Department personnel and independent reporters, the reports even include techniques and locations within specific waters to increase angler success. Anglers can receive the fishing report by subscribing to the Department’s weekly news release at www.wildlifedepartment.com/wl_news.htm.
“Fishing in Oklahoma normally requires a license and a fishing and hunting legacy permit, which you can purchase at various sporting good vendors across the state, but Free Fishing Days gives people a chance to just ‘test the waters’ and see if they would enjoy the sport,” Boxrucker said. “We are confident they will.”

Anglers should note that certain city permits may still apply to specific fishing areas during Free Fishing Days.

Oklahoma was the first state in the nation to offer free fishing days over 25 years ago and has since been followed by dozens of other states that have established similar days.

Anglers should be aware of and abide by all Texas fishing license and permit requirements when fishing the Texas portion of Lake Texoma June 7-8. The Texas Free Fishing Day is June 7, so anglers will be able to fish both Texas and Oklahoma portions of the lake for free that day. On June 8, free fishing will only be allowed on the Oklahoma portion of the lake. Anglers must follow all other fishing regulations.

The City of Oklahoma City will exempt all city permit fee on city lakes for Free Fishing Days – Saturday and Sunday only.