Oklahoma Fishing Guides

June Free Lures Winner

Twice a month, www.OklahomaFishingGuides.com awards free lures & tackle to lucky fishing report subscribers.

In addition, once a quarter a lucky subscriber will also win an Original

Readi-Lure tackle box from Tackle Tech AND at the end of the year, one lucky subscriber will win an IM6 Hookhider Fishing Rod.

This week’s lures and tackle winner is Gerry W. from Lawton, Oklahoma. Gerry will receive an assortment of lures & tackle from

Lead Babies Slabs, River Bottom Lures, SnapTail Lures, and our newest sponsor, Hawg Wild Custom Bass Baits, home of Larry the Lizard.

Want a chance to win free fishing lures & fishing tackle OR a new tackle box OR a customized IM6 Hookhider fishing rod?

Sign Up Here!

Editor’s Note: Congratulations Gerry. Good luck with all your fishing adventures this year!

Lake Texoma Fishing 6/15

Fishing on Texoma is very good right now. The flood has slowed some action down that should be going on by this time, such as good morning topwater and slabbing. Bait fishing has been real good all over the lake but the shad can and have been hard to come by on many days.

I have been fishing on anchor in water anywhere from 37 feet to 70 feet deep. I have been in the middle to the East part of the lake towards the dam. I have been catching anywhere from 4 cranks off the bottom to fishing them in the deeper water at between 50 & 60 feet deep. I have drifted water on windy days with some wind cover from 14 to 28 feet deep catching larger fish. Have heard reports of fish hitting topwater in the evenings but I am out with customers in the morning times. Smaller fish are on top right now.

As I said, Fishing is real good right now but I am really wanting some lure fishing to start up very soon, as it is past time. Don’t know how often I can post over here but I will try if Doug keeps a reminder on me.

Sterling Smith
Texoma “T” Striper Guide Service

Lake Records Program Expanded to 28 Lakes

The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation’s Lake Record Fish Program continues to grow, with several new lake records — and lakes — added throughout this spring.

Last year, there were 13 lakes and this year it has been expanded to 28! The current lakes are:

The Lake Record Fish program recognizes anglers who catch a fish that qualifies as a record setter for the lake in which it was caught. Though the program was established as a way to serve anglers and recognize significant fish, it also serves as an indicator of trophy fish production in the state’s lakes.

Since last year, the program has doubled in size and there are now twenty-eight lakes currently enrolled in the program. An easy-to-use search feature is available through the Wildlife Department’s Web site to view all kinds of interesting record fish information, ranging from the size of record fish caught to what kind of bait or rod and reel was used to catch them. To access the search feature, log on to wildlifedepartment.com.

Anglers who catch a potential record from a participating lake should contact designated business locations around the lake that are enrolled as lake record keepers, or vendors. The lake record keeper may then enter the fish into an automated database via the Internet. Once it has been determined that an angler has landed a record fish, the media is notified and the public will be able to view information about the catch on the Wildlife Department’s Web site at wildlifedepartment.com.

All past and current state record fish are registered in the Lake Record Fish Program as records for their respective lakes.

Species eligible for spots in the lake records book include:

  • blue catfish
  • channel
  • flathead catfish
  • largemouth bass
  • smallmouth bass
  • spotted bass
  • crappie
  • paddlefish
  • striped bass
  • striped bass hybrids
  • sunfish (combined)
  • walleye/saugeye
  • white bass

Minimum weights are set for each species included to avoid a rush of potential yet easily broken records early in the program’s inception.

For more information about the new Lake Record Fish Program or for contact information for lake record keepers, log on to wildlifedepartment.com.

Invasive Algae in Lower Mountain Fork River

The recent discovery of an invasive alga in a southeast Oklahoma river serves to remind anglers of their role in helping prevent the spread of aquatic nuisance species.

Biologists with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation and the University of Oklahoma recently confirmed the presence of Didymosphenia geminata, also known by anglers as “Didymo” or “rock snot,” in the Lower Mountain Fork River below Broken Bow Lake. The invasive species is native to North America and thrives in low-nutrient, cold, flowing streams rich in oxygen, such as the Lower Mountain Fork River, the Lower Illinois River and the Blue River.

Didymo starts out as small tufted colonies, but can grow into dense, thick mats that cover large portions of a streambed.

“When it forms extensive mats or produces large blooms, rock snot can outcompete native algae relied on by aquatic insects,” said Curtis Tackett, aquatic nuisance biologist for the Wildlife Department. “That may not sound like a problem, except that those insects provide an important source of food for trout in the Lower Mountain Fork River.”

Tackett said that in some cases, the reduction of available food sources for trout because of competition from invasive species like Didymo can result in smaller fish. Additionally, Didymo can clog water pipes and other flow structures as well as become quite a nuisance to anglers because of how easily it can be snagged by a fish hook.

“Anglers can help prevent further spread of Didymo and other aquatic nuisance species, and it just takes a little bit of effort,” Tackett said. “But that effort can go a long way.”

According to Tackett, the following measures can be taken to prevent the spread of aquatic nuisance species:

  • Before leaving a river or stream, remove all clumps of algae and look for hidden fragments.
  • Soak and scrub all gear for at least one minute in a two percent bleach solution, or five percent salt solution, or simply use hot water and dishwashing soap.
  • If cleaning is not practical, then wait at least 48 hours before contact with another water body after equipment has dried.
  • Consider keeping two sets of wading boots, and alternate their use between cleaning and drying. * Avoid using felt-soled waders.
  • Avoid wading through colonies of the algae. Breaking up the material could cause future colonies and blooms to occur further downstream.

For more information about the Lower Mountain Fork River trout fishery, log on to the Wildlife Department’s Web site at wildlifedepartment.com.

Lake Keystone Catfish Festival

Lake Keystone Catfish Festival will be at Feyodi Park in Cleveland. The fishing contest entry fee is $25, and registration must be received by June 1. The top three places will be awarded for biggest three-fish stringer; 1st place — $1,000; 2nd place — $500; and third place — $250.

In the event of a tie, prize money will be split equally for that prize. No more than three fish may be entered per registrant, and weigh-in takes place promptly at 5 p.m. Fish (Channel, Blue and Flathead Catfish only) must be alive and pass inspection.

All Oklahoma Wildlife Department rules and regulations must be followed. If there is flooding at Feyodi Park, the event will be held at Cleveland High School in front of the Event Center/Soccer Field. For more information, call (918) 358-2131

Oklahoma Fishing Guides to be Licensed

Fishing guides who operate on Oklahoma waters will be required to purchase a fishing guide license from the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation beginning July 31.

At its June meeting, the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission approved emergency rules to go into effect July 31 in accordance to Senate Bill 277, which recently was signed by the Governor.

“The new fishing guide license was requested by the fishing guide industry in Oklahoma and will help ensure our state’s fishing guides have a strong set of safety and first-aid skills as well as properly functioning equipment and insurance,” said Greg Duffy, director of the Wildlife Department.

The annual license will cost $132 for both residents and nonresidents, but Wildlife Department officials are only going to charge $66 for the remainder of 2009 since the requirement will only be in effect for half of the year. The license is required of all persons, resident or nonresident, who charge or accept consideration to take someone fishing. The only exemption is for landowners or lessees who provide such services on their own property and those who assist a licensed guide in the same boat.

Beginning Jan. 1, 2010, fishing guides applying for a license must provide the Wildlife Department with documentation stating they have completed boat training through the National Association of Safe Boating Administrators, which is available readily online or at locations throughout Oklahoma. They also must provide the Wildlife Department with proof of commercial general liability insurance covering services as a fishing guide with policy limits of at least $500,000 per occurrence.

Additionally, fishing guides must maintain current boat inspection by any governmental agency or entity authorized to perform such inspections, and they must be certified by the American Red Cross in CPR and basic first aid.

“Other states, including Texas, have guide license requirements, and I am confident this will benefit our anglers and guides,” said Barry Bolton, chief of fisheries for the Wildlife Department. “We hope to maintain a list of licensed guides to help anglers identify guides and get ‘hooked up,’ so to speak.”

Free Fishing Weekend!

This weekend is Oklahoma’s annual Free Fishing Weekend! That’s right, you don’t need a license to go fishing – so grab your poles and some kids and get out there!

Please Note: Certain city permits may still apply to specific fishing areas during Free Fishing Days. If you are going to Lake Texoma, be aware of and abide by all Texas fishing license and permit requirements when fishing the Texas portion of Lake Texoma this weekend. The Texas Free Fishing Day is Saturday, so you will be able to fish both Texas and Oklahoma portions of the lake for free that day only.

Read the full story here!

June Free Lures Winner

Twice a month, www.OklahomaFishingGuides.com awards free lures & tackle to lucky fishing report subscribers.

In addition, once a quarter a lucky subscriber will also win an Original Readi-Lure tackle box from Tackle Tech AND at the end of the year, one lucky subscriber will win an IM6 Hookhider Fishing Rod.

This week’s lures and tackle winner is James G. from South Hutchinson, Kansas. James will receive an assortment of lures & tackle from Lead Babies Slabs, River Bottom Lures, SnapTail Lures, and our newest sponsor, Hawg Wild Custom Bass Baits, home of Larry the Lizard.

Want a chance to win free fishing lures & fishing tackle OR a new tackle box OR a customized IM6 Hookhider fishing rod? Sign Up Here!

Editor’s Note: Congratulations James. Good luck with all your fishing adventures this year!

Holiday fishing report (Tom Steed)

Since I don’t usually venture out on the lake during busy holidays I thought I would sneak out on Friday for just a short cruise and a few minutes of trolling. Today was my Granddaughters first time on the boat and my Daughter went with us as well. We enjoyed a nice cruise together and then spent 40 minutes trolling through some of my honey holes. All I can say is wow. Within three minutes we had our first hybrid and the kids liked that. For the next 35 minutes we enjoyed the lake and pulled three nice crappie and two more hybrids and then headed in before the boat traffic picked up. Nice crappie can still be caught (See picture) as well as hybrid and catfish are biting. Enjoy the weekend and please be safe. Mike