Oklahoma Fishing Guides

Lake Texoma Fishing Report

Lake Texoma Fishing Report - the fishing is excellent! Fishing guide Brian Prichard sends us this report from Lake Texoma:

Lake Texoma water temperature is 63° and the elevation is 9’ above normal and the water is stained. The fishing is about as good as it can get right now. Once you find the fish, they are biting like crazy. When I’m on the fish we are catching a limit in about 30 minutes as fast as I can take fish off the hook and re-bait. I’m fishing with bait on anchor in 30-40’ of water. Most have been coming off of the ledges near the river channel. It is best to avoid the muddiest water and fish the stained or clear parts of the lake. A lot of the fish that I have been catching have been smaller and I’ve been moving a lot to find the larger fish but I have managed to find some 20” fish on every trip ranging up to 12lbs. Fish are eating practically everything you throw at them right now. Lures are working as well. We are catching them on topwaters, sassys, and slabs. Some people are using minnows instead of shad and having success. (Click on pictures to view larger images.)

Since we are catching our limits so fast we get to play for the rest of the time out on the water. Depending on what my customers want, I’ll either lure fish, trophy fish, or try to catch some catfish to add to the box. We were lure fishing after a quick limit on Tuesday throwing topwaters when we caught this 7lb black bass. It was the biggest black bass I’ve caught on Texoma in 10 years. He blew up on a big pencil popper near the bank.

My weekends are filling up a month in advance. There are a few slots left on the weekends in May but not many. The weekdays are relatively open so if you can get off during the week, not is the time to come fishing, the fish are going crazy!

Editor’s Note: Thanks for the report and pictures Brian. Those are some nice size stripers and the largemouth bass is NICE! If you would like to go fishing with Brian, call him at 903-815-1609 or 903-462-2881 or visit his website at www.stripersinc.com.

Lake Tenkiller Fishing Report

Lake Tenkiller Oklahoma fishing report bass
Last weekend, I had the opportunity to go fishing on Lake Tenkiller with fishing guide Rocky Thomas, Jr. It was my birthday on Saturday, so a couple of my cousins from Kansas City drove down so we could have a fun weekend. Although it was windy on Saturday, and VERY windy on Sunday, Rocky got us on fish all day long!

On Saturday morning, my cousin Colby caught a nice bass on a Bitin’ Titan Spinnerbait from the dock of Burnt Cabin Marina and Resort where were staying. When Rocky took us over to his first favorite cove, I immediately caught a 4.5lb largemouth bass on my very first cast and the day only got better from there! (Click on pictures to view large images.)

By lunch I caught 2 more largemouth bass between 4lb and 5lb and on my last cast before lunch, I hooked up with a 5lb smallmouth bass. It was awesome! And once again, I nailed all these fish on my favorite setup; a
Hookhider road with a wacky rigged Maniac 4″ Cinnamon Crawfish Salt Stick. Needless to say, after lunch, everybody else rigged up with the same wacky rig and we all continued to nail fish all day long. I even caught a 5lb black drum on the rig!

On Sunday, the wind was brutal, and the wacky rig was less effective. The wind created too much slack in the line to feel the subtle hits, so we all switched over to War Eagle Spinnerbaits and the trusty Bitin’ Titan Spinnerbaits. We caught just about every kind of fish the lake has; largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, kentucky bass, white bass, and bluegill. Just an absolutely awesome birthday fishing trip.

Saturday night, Colby’s dad Pete, whipped up an awesome birthday fish fry; fresh kentucky bass, BBQ beans, cole slaw, pan-fried potatoes and chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Thank you Pete and Colby for driving down from KC to fish with me on my birthday! And a huge thank you to Lake Tenkiler fishing guide Rocky Thomas for getting us on fish all day long, 2 days in a row, even with the major wind on Sunday. As I’ve always said, the weather only bothers the fisherman, but the fish are still hungry.

If you would like to go fishing with Rocky on Lake Tenkiller or other lakes he fishes in the area, such as Grand Lake, Lake Greenleaf, Lake Hudson, Lake Robert S. Kerr, Lake Spavinaw, Lake Eucha, Lake Oologah, or the Illinois River, he can be reached at 918-837-0490 or visit his website at www.ThomasGuideService.com.

May Free Lures Winner

Twice a month, www.OklahomaFishingGuides.com awards free lures & tackle to lucky fishing report subscribers.

In addition, once a quarter a lucky subscriber will also win an Original Readi-Lure tackle box from Tackle Tech AND at the end of the year, one lucky subscriber will win an IM6 Hookhider Fishing Rod.

This week’s lures and tackle winner is Danny R. from Jenks, Oklahoma. Danny will receive an assortment of lures & tackle from Lead Babies Slabs, River Bottom Lures, SnapTail Lures, and our newest sponsor, Hawg Wild Custom Bass Baits, home of Larry the Lizard.

Want a chance to win free fishing lures & fishing tackle OR a new tackle box OR a customized IM6 Hookhider fishing rod? Sign Up Here!

Editor’s Note: Congratulations Danny. Good luck with all your fishing adventures this year!

Lake Texoma Fishing Report

Lake Texoma fishing report stripersFishing Guide Brian Prichard sends us this report from Lake Texoma:

Spring fishing has indeed arrived! Lake Texoma water temperature has now climbed into the 60° range and the fishing is just about as good as it gets! I’m just starting to see the 1st stages of the shad spawn which means the first topwater bite of the season has begun and will last for the next 3-4 weeks or so. I’m catching my limit in about an hour right now and catching and releasing until we run out of bait. We brought back 110 fish yesterday with a 2 boat trip and we probably threw back another 50 fish. A 10 year old boy caught 24 fish by himself yesterday.

I’m catching most of my fish on anchor over a ledge in the 30’ range using live bait. The topwater bite is just starting to turn on. Using topwaters along rocky banks in front of the egrets is starting to work and will become red hot, catching a fish on almost every cast, in the next couple of weeks.

This is the end of my grand opening special ($100/person) which last until 4/30, after which, prices will be 125$/person. Book before 4/30 and you will be able to go fishing anytime through out the year for that rate. Since we are catching a limit so fast right now, you will have a few different options to fill the rest of your time. When we near the limit, I can start throwing back fish until we kill enough fish to reach the limit or we run out of bait, we can lure fish, I can go try to find a big fish, or we can try to catch some catfish. You may book your trip online or you can call me at (903)815-1609. Hope to see you soon!

Your Lake Texoma Fishing Guide, Brian Prichard, Stripers Inc. (Click on pictures to view larger images.)

Editor’s Note: Thanks for the report and pictures Brian. Looks like you’ve had some great trips! How big is the striper in the top picture?

Lake Tom Steed Fishing Report

Lake Tom Steed Oklahoma fishing report crappieFuture pro Mike Diehl sends us this report from Lake Tom Steed:

Well I finally managed to heal up enough to get out on the water again and it sure felt good. The fishing is picking up again at Lake Tom Steed and should improve quickly with good, steady warm weather. Catfish are biting on worms, bass are slow but will improve quickly, saugeye are post spawn and slow, but the big word today is crappie.

Crappie fishermen are hitting the creek and main lake hard and good numbers are being caught. I got tired of the slow bass bite so I decided to show the crappie fishermen what keepers looked like with two nice ones caught one after the other over 1.5lbs.

Editor’s Note: Thanks for the pictures and report Mike! I’ll bet they were mighty tasty too. Glad to hear you are finally healed up and back on the water. We’ve missed hearing from you!!

April Free Lures Winner

Twice a month, www.OklahomaFishingGuides.com awards free lures & tackle to lucky fishing report subscribers.

In addition, once a quarter a lucky subscriber will also win an Original Readi-Lure tackle box from Tackle Tech AND at the end of the year, one lucky subscriber will win an IM6 Hookhider Fishing Rod.

This week’s lures and tackle winner is Richard S. from Edmond, Oklahoma. Richard will receive an assortment of lures & tackle from Lead Babies Slabs, River Bottom Lures, SnapTail Lures, and our newest sponsor, Hawg Wild Custom Bass Baits, home of Larry the Lizard.

Want a chance to win free fishing lures & fishing tackle OR a new tackle box OR a customized IM6 Hookhider fishing rod? Sign Up Here!

Editor’s Note: Congratulations Richard. Good luck with all your fishing adventures this year!

Lake Texoma Fishing Report

Lake Texoma striper fishing guide Brian Pricard, Lake Texoma Fishing Report
Texoma fishing guide Brian Prichard on Lake Texoma sends us this report:

Due to the cold weather that has been off and on the past couple of weeks, Lake Texoma’s water temperature remains at 58°. The fishing has picked up a bit but it remains hit and miss due to the sporadic weather patterns. We are still catching some big fish here and there but most remain up river spawning at this point. We are catching a lot of smaller fish but if you pick through these small ones then you can keep a limit of good fish. I expect the fishing to explode any time now when the fish get back from spawning as they seem to have been gone for several weeks now. All of this recent rain should help to speed up their return.

Fish have been holding close to the humps and ledges at around 25-35’. Using bait on anchor over structure of this depth seems to be working best. One day the fish will feed better in the morning and the next day the bite will be better in the evening. I’ve tried throwing lures a little with limited success, most all of my fish have been coming off of bait.

I currently have a evening trip for Sat. the 18th and a morning trip on the Sun. the 19th left for this weekend. My weekend trips are filling up fast in May so if you want a weekend you need to book now. There are only 2 weeks left with my grand opening special of $100/person which ends April 30th. Remember you do not have to go fishing before that time, as long as you get your trip booked before then you can reserve that price and go fishing whenever you want within this year. Good Luck and hope to see you soon. Book your trip online at www.stripersinc.com or call 903-815-1609.

New Lake Thunderbird Bass Record

New lake Thunderbird Oklahoma bass fishing record A day that started cold and miserable last Sunday for Oklahoma city police officer Kenny Davis ended fabulously.

Davis landed a 10.8-pound largemouth bass from Lake Thunderbird near Norman that might even change the future of bass fishing at the reservoir.

Read the full story here. Photo & story courtesy of NewsOK.com.

Editor’s Note: As I have always said, the weather only bothers the fishermen and the fish are still hungry.

April Free Lures Winner

Twice a month, www.OklahomaFishingGuides.com awards free lures & tackle to lucky fishing report subscribers.

In addition, once a quarter a lucky subscriber will also win an Original Readi-Lure tackle box from Tackle Tech AND at the end of the year, one lucky subscriber will win an IM6 Hookhider Fishing Rod.

This week’s lures and tackle winner is Chuck W. from Salina, Oklahoma. Chuck will receive an assortment of lures & tackle from Lead Babies Slabs, River Bottom Lures, SnapTail Lures, and our newest sponsor, Hawg Wild Custom Bass Baits, home of Larry the Lizard.

Want a chance to win free fishing lures & fishing tackle OR a new tackle box OR a customized IM6 Hookhider fishing rod? Sign Up Here!

Editor’s Note: Congratulations Chuck. Good luck with all your fishing adventures this year!

Broken Bow Fishing Report

Lake Broken Bow Oklahoma fishing report, bass fishing at Beaver's Bend Oklahoma with guide Bryce Archey.
Fishing guide Bryce Archey at Lake Broken Bow in Beaver’s Bend State Park sends in this fishing report:

Fishing in April is beginning to get really going. We are catching numbers of largemouth and spotted bass with the smallmouth just starting to get active.

These 3 species are starting their annual spawning process, so fishing this month will continue to get even better. If anyone is interested in booking a trip they can contact me for availability this month.

(Click on images to view larger images.)

Editor’s Note: Looks like your clients had a great time! Thanks for sending in the pictures and report. If you would like to go fishing with Bryce, call him at 580-494-6447 or 870-582-4561 or visit his website at www.brokenbowlakeguide.com.