Oklahoma Fishing Guides

Lake Texoma Fishing Report

Lake Texoma striper fishing guide Brian Pritchard of Stripers, Inc.
Texoma fishing guide Brian Prichard on Lake Texoma sends us this report:

March has been hit and miss, which is normal for March fishing because the striper make their run to go spawn. However, as the water warms up, the fishing is getting better. Lake Texoma water temperature is currently 58° and the striper fishing is good and soon to get better. We have caught our limit the past two trips with some big fish of up to 8lbs mixed in.

It was very windy today but fortunately we were able to get out of the wind and catch a limit of nice fish. The fish have moved shallow and are running from 10-40′ deep. Drifting shallow flats 10-25′ deep with shad or throwing lures is working well. Today we did our best on live bait anchored in 35′ in the back of a cove. It is not yet the fast and furious action of May but it is a steady bite of good fish.

Now is the time to book your trip for the spring. When the fish get back from spawning in a week or two, the fishing is going to get awesome. Spring fishing is incredible fast pace action with never a dull moment and catching 100+ fish is normal for that time. The shad will start spawning on the rocky banks sometime in May and the first topwater bite of the year will kick off.

Take advantage of our grand opening special of $100/person which runs through April 30th. Trips may be scheduled for anytime throughout the year as long as your reservation is made on or before April 30th. Spring trips should be filling up fast so make your reservation as soon as possible to get your desired date. Book your trip online at http://www.stripersinc.com/ or call 903-815-1609.

Your fishing guide, Brian Prichard, www.stripersinc.com

Click on pictures to view larger images.

Editor’s Note: Thanks for the report and pictures Brian. Looks like you guys had a great trip! How big is the striper in the top picture?

Readi-Lure Tackle Box Winner

Once a quarter (4 times a year), www.OklahomaFishingGuides.com awards a free Original Readi-Lure tackle box to a lucky fishing report subscriber.

AND at the end of the year, one lucky subscriber will win an IM6 Hookhider Fishing Rod.

This quarter’s tackle box winner is Keith B. from Claremore, Oklahoma.

Want a chance to win free fishing lures & fishing tackle OR a new tackle box OR a customized IM6 Hookhider fishing rod?
Sign Up Here!

Editor’s Note: Congratulations Keith. Good luck with all your fishing adventures this year!

March Free Lures Winner

Twice a month, www.OklahomaFishingGuides.com awards free lures & tackle to lucky fishing report subscribers.

In addition, once a quarter a lucky subscriber will also win an Original
Readi-Lure tackle box from Tackle Tech AND at the end of the year, one lucky subscriber will win an IM6 Hookhider Fishing Rod.

This week’s lures and tackle winner is Brent V. from Lexington, Oklahoma. Brent will receive an assortment of lures & tackle from
Lead Babies Slabs, River Bottom Lures, SnapTail Lures, and our newest sponsor, Hawg Wild Custom Bass Baits, home of Larry the Lizard.

Want a chance to win free fishing lures & fishing tackle OR a new tackle box OR a customized IM6 Hookhider fishing rod?
Sign Up Here!

Editor’s Note: Congratulations Brent. Good luck with all your fishing adventures this year!

Broken Bow Fishing Report

Lake Broken Bow crappie fishing reportFishing guide Bryce Archey at Lake Broken Bow in Beaver’s Bend State Park sends in this fishing report:

Fishing is AWESOME!!!! White bass, crappie, largemouth and spotted bass are all biting really well right now. We are catching all species in good numbers. An average day is between 40 to 60 fish. I have only a few days left in this month, so if anyone is interested please call for availability.

Editor’s Note:
Looks like a fun trip Bryce! Those look like mighty tasty crappie!! Thanks for sending in the pictures and report. If you would like to go fishing with Bryce, call him at 580-494-6447 or 870-582-4561 or visit his website at

March Free Lures Winner

free fishing lures, free fishing rod, free tackle, free tackle box
Twice a month, www.OklahomaFishingGuides.com awards free lures & tackle to lucky fishing report subscribers.

In addition, once a quarter a lucky subscriber will also win an Original
Readi-Lure tackle box from Tackle Tech AND at the end of the year, one lucky subscriber will win an IM6 Hookhider Fishing Rod.

This week’s lures and tackle winner is Larry T. from Nicoma Park, Oklahoma. Larry will receive an assortment of lures & tackle from
Lead Babies Slabs, River Bottom Lures, SnapTail Lures, and our newest sponsor, Hawg Wild Custom Bass Baits, home of Larry the Lizard.

Want a chance to win free fishing lures & fishing tackle OR a new tackle box OR a customized IM6 Hookhider fishing rod?
Sign Up Here!

Editor’s Note: Congratulations Larry. Good luck with all your fishing adventures this year!

Win a Truck or Boat at the Watonga Trout Derby

Plan to attend the Watonga Trout Derby, March 6-8 at Roman Nose State Park.

The event is co-sponsored this year by the Friends of Roman Nose State Park and the Watonga Chamber of Commerce.

Pre-registration is available this year. Contact the Watonga Chamber of Commerce office at (580) 623-5452 for details. On-site registration will begin at 7 a.m. each morning and continue through 5 p.m. Saturday and 1 p.m. Sunday.

All fish must be weighed in by 3 p.m. Sunday, which will mark the end of the derby.

The three-day event gives fishermen an opportunity to catch tagged trout for prizes. One hundred tagged trout are put in the lake in conjunction with the normal trout stocking done by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. A drawing from the tags of all registered trout will determine the $300.00 grand prize cash winner. A $100.00 Sr. division and a $50.00 Jr. division prize will be given for the heaviest stringer or trout and will be awarded at the close of the derby. All tagged trout are worth cash or gifts.

An exciting new feature of this year’s Trout Derby is the addition of a guaranteed boat give-away. One registration will be drawn to win a Bass Brat sponsored by Buster Boats of Stillwater, OK., equipped with an aerated live well/ice chest, depth finder and troll motor.

Also, this year’s prizes will once again include an opportunity to win a pickup with a value of at least $20,000.00. You must be 18 years of age with a valid driver’s license & be a registered participant of the 2009 Trout Derby.

The winning numbered tagged trout for the pickup will be randomly selected prior to the start of the derby by the sponsor of the truck. The lucky winner of this truck will be a derby registrant having caught the matching tagged trout during the event. There will only be one tagged trout eligible to determine the winner of the pickup.

February Free Lures Winner

Twice a month, www.OklahomaFishingGuides.com awards free lures & tackle to lucky fishing report subscribers.

In addition, once a quarter a lucky subscriber will also win an Original Readi-Lure tackle box from Tackle Tech AND at the end of the year, one lucky subscriber will win an IM6 Hookhider Fishing Rod.
This week’s lures and tackle winner is Mark F. from Texas City, Texas. Mark will receive an assortment of lures & tackle from Lead Babies Slabs, River Bottom Lures, SnapTail Lures, and our newest sponsor, Hawg Wild Custom Bass Baits, home of Larry the Lizard.
Want a chance to win free fishing lures & fishing tackle OR a new tackle box OR a customized IM6 Hookhider fishing rod? Sign Up Here!

Editor’s Note: Congratulations Mark. Good luck with all your fishing adventures this year!

Tom Steed Fishing Report

Fishing guide Mike Diehl sends us this report from Lake Tom Steed:

Well it was a balmy 37 degrees and the water wasn’t much warmer, but I did manage to catch two bass just before dark. The first weighted 3.5lb and was caught fishing a medium size crank bait in fifteen feet of water and the smaller one was caught on a buzz bait right at dark near the bank.

Crappie fishermen were out as well pulling in a few small ones here and there. Fishing should begin to pick up as the weather warms and after we get rid of this constant rise and fall in temperature.

Editor’s Note: Thanks for picture and report Mike. The fish will bite year round – the weather only bothers the fisherman. If you would like to go fishing with Mike, contact him at 580-639-2065 or email him at futurepromike@gmail.com.

Blue River Trout Derby This Weekend

If you haven’t made plans yet, it’s not too late to attend the 2009 Blue River President’s Day Trout Derby in Tishomingo on Saturday and Sunday, February 14th & 15th.

$1000 in tagged trout ($100, $50 and $20 tags) will be stocked along with several trout in the 3-6 pound range. Over $1000 in trophies and door prizes will be given away. Each participant will receive a Blue River Derby Cap.

Additional Prizes include:
* Male Heavy Stringer 2-day total wins $100
* Female Heavy Stringer 2-day total wins $100
* Fly Fishing Heavy Stringer 2-day total wins $100
* Youth 15 and under Heavy Stringer 2-day total wins $100
* Heaviest Trout Caught wins $100

Entry Fees = Adult $25.00, Youth 15 & Under $20.00. Printable Entry Form.

FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: (580) 371-9288 – (580) 371-2175

Note: Due to rising cost of quality trout for the derby as well as the Blue River Association’s donations to save the aquifer, we would welcome any donations to defray these costs. If you would like to make a donation, please include with your registration and you will be listed as a Derby Sponsor on the Sponsorship Board.

*Must Be Present to Win Any of the Prizes During the Drawing (Except the Pre-Entry Prize)

*Contest Open To All Ages- Fee Good For Both Days
*Tickets Must Be Purchased Before You Start Fishing

Sponsored by the Johnston County Chamber of Commerce, City of Tishomingo, Oklahoma & the Blue River Association. State Fishing Laws Apply.

Editor’s Note: I’m definitely in! See you there!! If you need a place to stay, check out Alberta Creek Resort & Marina, south of the Blue River on Lake Texoma.

14,000 Extra Rainbow Trout

Each year, the Lower Mountain Fork River (LMFR) is stocked bi-weekly with rainbow trout, but the southeast Oklahoma fishery will receive six “bonus” stockings this spring that will provide more than 14,000 additional

The first two supplemental trout stockings took place Feb. 5 and Feb. 12, and the remaining four are scheduled for Feb 26, March 12 & 26 and April 9. Each stocking includes over 2,400 fish that are nearly a foot in length.

“These trout are going to be placed in remote areas of the stream that aren’t usually stocked,” said Jay Barfield, streams management technician for the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. “And at 11 inches they will be a bit larger than usual and ready to put up a fun challenge. Angling should be great in these areas during the coming weeks.”

The additional rainbow trout are being provided to the Wildlife Department by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to help offset the impacts caused by Broken Bow Dam on the LMFR. The trout will be obtained from the Greers Ferry National Fish Hatchery in Arkansas and then released into the LMFR trout fishery between the State Park Dam and the US Route 70 bridge.

The LMFR is one of eight Oklahoma trout fisheries and one of two year-round trout fishing hotspots in the state. Other trout hotspots include; Altus Lugert/Quartz Mountain, Lake Watonga, Lake Carl Etling, Blue River, Illinois River, Robbers Cave, Dolese Youth Park Pond (OKC), Lake Pawhuska, and Clayton Lake State Park.

To view the regular, bi-weekly trout stocking schedule and specific regulations for all the state’s trout waters, including the LMFR, log on to www.wildlifedepartment.com. The Web site also includes tips on how to catch trout as well as a wealth of information about the state’s streams management program, which works to provide healthy streams and better stream fishing in Oklahoma.