Oklahoma Fishing Guides

Tenkiller Bass Biting

Darris Smith sends us this report from Lake Tenkiller:

The water temp is rising and the bass are too! I went last weekend for a 3 day weekend. Thursday night a front moved in. Pretty much tough fishing on Friday, cold and windy. I did manage to catch a few and this Smallmouth on a clown colored rogue. I had another try to kill it 3 times but missed it. I couldn’t get it to hit at anything else.

Saturday turned off much nicer, still windy and cool, but warming in the afternoon. I caught some real nice large mouth. A few 2 pounders, lots of 13 inchers, and this one in the 5# range.

Sunday was another good day. I had caught at least 15 in the 1 to 2 pound range, mostly on jigs. The spinner bait bite turned on after things started warming up. They seemed to have been on the shallow, wind blown, muddy banks. When they hit, you knew it. It was like it was there only chance for a meal and they were taking it now! They would hit it like a truck rolling down hill the other direction. This one almost took my rod & reel with him!

I’m going again this weekend, well, at least Saturday before the front comes in on Sunday, should make for some great fishing.

Editor’s Note: Thanks for the report Darris! You should go Pro!

Big Bass Biting at Steed

Aspiring Pro Mike Diehl
sent us his latest report from Lake Tom Steed:

Doug – I just wanted to thank you and

Fishbelly Lures for helping me break my personal best of 6.0lb.

I caught two nice toads today while fishing a Fishbelly Hawg Shad 3.5″ split tail. The smaller bass is 4lb 14oz and my new personal best is the much larger 6lb 8oz. I caught both these bass in less than three feet of water twitching a Fishbelly Hawg shad next to the bank. What a way to start the summer!!!!

Editor’s Note: Congratulations Mike! Glad we could help – Fishbelly lures really do work!!

Lake Kaw Bass Biting

Scott Ramage sends in this report from Lake Kaw:

I was at Lake Kaw today shore fishing for bass and anything else that was interested. I am new to Oklahoma and it was my first time fishing Kaw. I did well fishing around the west marina using a Texas rigged 7.5 inch curly tail watermelon worm with a small sliding tube weight on the line to bounce it off the bottom. Attached a photo of a nice largemouth I caught which appeared to be full of eggs. I know that Kaw is a good crappie fishing lake so when I hooked a 4 pound Drum I thought I had hit the jackpot!

Editor’s Note: Thanks for the report Scott!

OK Fisherman lands big FLA Bass

largemouth bass
David Powers of Oklahoma sends us this fishing report:

I went to Florida last week on business and was so fortunate to get in a day of fishing. Thought I would share a photo of a big girl that I caught slow rolling spinnerbaits.

She was a little over 10lbs, caught using a gold blade spinnerbait. The lake was Lake Maitland, part of a chain of private city lakes in Orlando. The guide service I used was Swanny’s Bass Guide service.

Editor’s Note: Thanks for the report David! What a great fishing trip – I’m jealous!

2nd Largest Bass at Amistad

jen carroll, women's bassmaster pro tour, catches second largest bass at lake amistad

Women’s Bassmaster Tour Pro Jen Carroll recently participated in the Lake Amistad portion of the tour and hauled in the 2nd largest bass of the tourney on Saturday using a Fishbelly Milky Ayu Hawg Shad. The bass weighed in at 5lbs 8oz.

Editor’s Note: Congratulations Jen! Checkout Jen’s tourney action at: http://www.jenhuntsfish.com.

Tom Steed Walleyes

Aspiring Pro Mike Diehl sends us this report from Lake Tom Steed:

The fishing on Tom Steed has been tough lately for both Bass and Crappie, but it looks like my luck has changed just a little. I caught my first Walleye today, 6lbs. 24″, while fishing a 1/8 oz spinner bait on a micro light rod and reel with 6 lb test.

The Walleye are starting to spawn and are making their beds close to the bank. I was really shocked when it came to the top and I started to lip it like a bass – good thing I didn’t because this thing has got some teeth!

Editor’s Note: Thanks for the report Mike. Glad you didn’t lose any fingers!

Lake Sooner Fishing Report

Lake Sooner Oklahoma Fishing Guide David Clark
Lake Sooner Guide David Clark sends in this fishing report:

Great day on Sooner. It started out very fast slowed down and ended better than it started. The wind was blowing about 30mph so we had to anchor. We caught about 30 decent Hybrids and some sand bass before 9:30. Then the wind really started blowing.

Our anchor gave way and we almost ended up in the rocks. We started looking for some more fish but couldn’t find any. So we tried to anchor again, and again the anchor wouldn’t hold. We decided to get out of the wind some and maybe fish for some catfish.

So we started out with cut bait and caught a 6lb hybrid. I stared chumming like crazing and before the afternoon was over we had 20 to 25 very nice hybrids, with about 10 of them being 6 lbs and the rest between 4 an 6 lbs. overall we caught 55 fish. The water temp. was 48 deg. and we were in 20 to 25 ft of water.

FISH ON!!!!!!

Editor’s Note: Thanks for the report David. It’s true – the weather only bothers the fisherman. The fish still have to eat!

Win 4 Readi-Lure Tackle Boxes

Readi-Lure Tackle Box by Tackle Tech
OklahomaFishingGuides.com is proud to announce yet more additions to our growing list of sponsors providing free lures, tackle & bait to lucky fishing report subscribers.

The Fish Grip, made in Oklahoma, will be given to each winner this year (2 per winner). It’s a very unique item that allows those who don’t want to touch fish to enjoy fishing!

Readi-Lure Tackle Boxes, made by Tackle Tech, are the most unique, versatile tackle boxes on the market. On the first Friday of March, June, September and December, four lucky fishing report subscribers will also receive an original Readi-Lure Tackle Box in addition to the $100 worth of lures, tackle & bait!!

Want to win? Sign up here!

We’ve Doubled the Lures Again!

OklahomaFishingGuides.com proudly announces that we’ve Doubled the Lures again!

As a subscriber to our fishing reports, you are now eligible to win $100.00 worth of lures, tackle & bait in our bi-monthly giveaways!

Besides great lures from Fishbelly, Lead Babies Slabs and Alluring Lures & Tackle, winners will now be receiving products from Jugs by Bert and CJ’s Bait Company.