Oklahoma Fishing Guides

Western Oklahoma Boat Show

Western Oklahoma Boat Show in Elk City
The third weekend in February also featured the Western Oklahoma Boat Show in Elk City, about an hour and twenty minute drive west of OKC. It was a beautiful drive with some very interesting terrain – but very windy. We passed a wind generating farm that was going full blast from the wind!

The show featured a number of new boats, trucks, ATVs and a catfish pond for the kids. I registered for the free Bass Buddy boat – I hope I win!

Oklahoma Tackle Show

Lake Eufaula Oklahoma Fishing Guide Todd Huckabee
The third weekend in February featured the Oklahoma Tackle Show. The show was especially packed on Saturday and featured many fun things for the kids including a trout pond (with some LARGE trout), rock climbing and a casting practice booth. The Oklahoma Chapter of B.A.S.S. also gave away lots of free tackle boxes to the kids along with an assortment of lures – very cool! Good job guys!!

Guide Todd Huckabee was a featured speaker and dished out some excellent pointers on spring bass and crappie.

Green Country Tackle & Hunting Show

Lake Fort Gibson Oklahoma Fishing Guide Michael Thompson
The second weekend in February saw the Green Country Tackle & Hunting Show in Claremore, Oklahoma. There were tons of attendees, fun bands, free beer & rattlesnakes! Quite a show!!

Four of our sponsors were there; Lead Babies Slabs, Jugs by Bert, CJ’s Baits & Readi-Lure.

Several of our featured fishing guides were there too; David Clark, Michael Thompson (pictured), and Todd Huckabee.

Tulsa Boat, Sport & Travel Show

Oklahoma Fishing Guide David Clark
The first weekend in February I also went to the the Tulsa Boat, Sport & Travel Show. The drive from OKC to Tulsa was very nice on the Turnpike with the rolling hills and crisp blue sky. I managed to stop at Keystone Lake and visit with the park attendant for a bit and got a few pictures – with snow still on the ground.

This show was a bit larger and was on two levels versus the multiple buildings in OKC. I really liked the Expo building and the giant oilman statue out front.

Some of our advertisers were there also. Pictured here is Guide David Clark who fishes 5 lakes in Oklahoma.

OKC Boat, Tackle & Sports Show

Tahiti Suncruiser Angler Series by Lowe
The first weekend in February, I drove to Oklahoma City for the OKC Boat, Tackle & Sports Show and fell in love with what I hope to be my next boat – the Tahiti Suncruiser Angler Series by Lowe.

That baby has it all – something for the fisherman (me), nice amenities for my wife & her friends (lounging with bubbly) and enough power to pull my ski buddies. Yep, I can have it all for only $30K. Guess I’ll hunt around for a gently used one in the next few years.

I also enjoyed the mix of architecture at the fairgrounds – art deco with modern – a very nice set of facilities.

Fishing Shows Everywhere!

Talk about fishing shows! In the last 4 weeks, I’ve been to OKC three times, Tulsa twice, Claremore, Elk City and this weekend I’ll be heading to Grove. Whew – and I have enjoyed every minute of it. We are even going to have a booth at the Backwoods Fishing & Hunting Expo March 2 – 4 at the OKC fairgrounds. Come on by and see us!

Each show has had it’s own personality, flair and share of interesting attractions & vendors. The upcoming blog entries will chronicle my travels around Oklahoma with pictures and stories. I’ve met so many nice people and some have even commented on how much they enjoy Hawg Blawg and our main site, www.OklahomaFishingGuides.com.

Thanks to all our loyal readers. Here’s to each and every one of us hauling in trophy Hawgs this year!!

Winter Fishing Tips

Aspiring pro Mike Diehl from Lake Tom Steed sends everyone these great winter fishing tips:

I just wanted to let everyone know that even though the weather has been making it almost impossible to get out on the water, it’s a great time to get your fishing gear in order now.

During this last cold spell, I took the opportunity to disassemble all my reels and really clean them up. I have taken all my reels apart and not only cleaned and oiled them but replaced any worn components as well. The drag disk and pinion gears usually take a beating, and also take a good look at the level wind bars and pins that hold the line guide in place.

I thought my equipment was already in good working order but boy I was really shocked at how well the cast and function now that they have been rebuilt. Parts can be found at numerous sights on the net and are really pretty cheap. On average $15.00 a reel for everything I needed to do the job. Also, don’t forget to put new line on now too.

Take a good look at your rods as well. I inspect the eyes of the rods for burs with a Q-tip by rubbing it inside the eye. A bur on the eye will snag the Q-tip, you can smooth them with fine emery cloth.

Last but not least – get the tackle ready, sharpen all your hooks, check swivels & spinners and give them a good cleaning too. I also took this time to pre-rig some of my new Fishbelly lures swim baits just in case the weather clears.

Good fishing! -Mike Diehl

Editor’s Note: Thanks Mike! Excellent winter fishing tips!! While getting your gear in order, you can recall all the great trips from last year & look forward to all the great trips this year…

Blue River Trout Report

We received this report on Blue River Oklahoma trout fishing from Frank Hanna:

We went to Blue River last week end and we had a real good time. Start your day early; there are a lot of devoted fishermen that fish Blue River. Take a can of corn and broad cast a hand full out into the water where you will be fishing through out the day of fishing; then tie on some Power Berkley Trout bait, I preferred the Power Berkley corn nuggets. I used a red #8 hook, seems big but it was working very good, put on three P.B. corn nuggets.

Put you sinker about 24 inches up your line, it seem to work better. It took me about an hour to get my limit of 6 fish; but the fish I caught were about 3 to 4 inches longer than most of the other fishermen’s fish. Don’t forget to get your Trout stamp before heading out. The water was back down and clearing up fast, temp was around 42 degrees. All of the fish we caught where from the area 1.

Editor’s Note: Thanks for the report Frank! Sounds like a fantastic trip!! Frank also tells us that there will be more trout stocked on 2/17 and 2/24.