Oklahoma Fishing Guides

June Free Lures Winners

Twice a month,www.OklahomaFishingGuides.com awards free lures & tackle to lucky fishing report subscribers.

In addition, once a quarter a lucky subscriber will win an Original Readi-Lure tackle box from Tackle Tech AND at the end of the year, one lucky subscriber will win an IM6 Hookhider Fishing Rod.

This month’s free lures winners are Evan B. from Edmond, Oklahoma and Troy H from Enid, Oklahoma. Evan and Troy will receive an assortment of lures & tackle fromLead Babies Slabs, SnapTail Lures, Alluring’s Swimmer Babies,Maniac Custom Lures, Krappie Killer Jigs and our newest sponsorHaggerty Lures.

Want a chance to win free fishing lures & fishing tackle OR a new tackle box OR an IM6 graphite fishing rod? Sign Up Here!

New Lake Wister Record Crappie – 4 lbs!!

Lake Wister Oklahoma Record Crappie

When Lake Wister angler Jon Duvall and his cousin Clint decided to take a few youngsters fishing April 17, they ended up catching very few fish, but one reeled in by Duvall was a real whopper by any crappie angler’s standards.

Duvall’s crappie weighed 4.2 lb. and measured 17.75 inches in length, setting a Wister lake record not likely to be surpassed for some time. He caught the slab on a jig in the lower end of the lake.

Up to that point, only one crappie had been caught — one landed by Clint on the first cast of the trip. Though Duvall said that first fish was a nice crappie and the fishing party was excited about a potentially great fishing trip, the fishing did not pick up.

“We fished and fished, but caught nothing,” Duvall said “Finally, right before it started to rain, I caught the biggest crappie we had ever seen.”

Editor’s Note: WOW!! Now that, I think, is the biggest crappie I’ve ever seen!!!

May Free Lures Winner

Twice a month,www.OklahomaFishingGuides.com awards free lures & tackle to lucky fishing report subscribers.

In addition, once a quarter a lucky subscriber will win an Original Readi-Lure tackle box from Tackle Tech AND at the end of the year, one lucky subscriber will win an IM6 Hookhider Fishing Rod.

This month’s free lures winner is William S. from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. John will receive an assortment of lures & tackle from Lead Babies Slabs, SnapTail Lures, Alluring’s Swimmer Babies, Maniac Custom Lures, Krappie Killer Jigs and our newest sponsor Haggerty Lures.

Want a chance to win free fishing lures & fishing tackle OR a new tackle box OR an IM6 graphite fishing rod? Sign Up Here!

Texoma’s Platter Flats

Lake Texoma Campground Platter Flats

Platter Flats Campground on Lake Texoma is a great park for those seeking fun, fishing, camping, boating, swimming, skiing, horse back riding, hunting, bird watching, hanging out on sandy beaches, grilling and more!

The Platter Flats Campground is a more out-of-the-way area for Lake Texoma, but is easily and readily available to visitors coming north from Dallas or south from Tulsa.

Sites are normally available for drive-up campers. There are 83 sites ranging from basic, to sites with water only, with electricity only , and sites with water and electricity. Other amenities include 2 shower/toilet facilities, a boat ramp, and a shelter. Reservations must be made at least 2 days in advance.

The only day use allowed in the park is at the day use shelter Site # (S1) which must be reserved, and overnight camping is not allowed in the shelter. If you would like to camp overnight you must reserve an overnight camp site. The shelter may be reserved for $50/day.

The entrance gate is open 6am-10pm. Campers may exit at any time.
Sites A1-A57 are available for Equestrian camping, but you do not need to have a horse to camp on these sites.

There are no convenience stores or marinas nearby. No day use allowed in camping area.

From Colbert, OK: Go 5 miles north on US 75, turn west 5 miles to Platter Flats, OK. Then follow signs to the campground. 867 Trail Ride Road Platter, OK 74753 Phone: (580)434-5864. Platter Flats Campground Map.

Platter Flats Campground information courtesy of:


May Free Lures Winner

Win free fishing lures with Oklahoma Fishing Guides

Twice a month,www.OklahomaFishingGuides.com awards free lures & tackle to lucky fishing report subscribers.
In addition, once a quarter a lucky subscriber will win an Original Readi-Lure tackle box from Tackle Tech AND at the end of the year, one lucky subscriber will win an IM6 Hookhider Fishing Rod.

This month’s free lures winner is John B. from Tulsa, Oklahoma. John will receive an assortment of lures & tackle from Lead Babies Slabs, SnapTail Lures, Alluring’s Swimmer Babies, Maniac Custom Lures, Krappie Killer Jigs and our newest sponsor Haggerty Lures.

Want a chance to win free fishing lures & fishing tackle OR a new tackle box OR an IM6 graphite fishing rod? Sign Up Here!

Lake Tenkiller Smallies

Bass fishing at Lake Tenkiller Oklahoma with fishing guide Rocky Thomas Jr.

For readers of this blog, you know that I always treat myself to a fishing trip for my birthday. And like last year, I went back to Lake Tenkiller for a great smallies trip with fishing guide Rocky Thomas Jr. My fishing buddy Harry joined in and the three of us had a great time out on the lake.

I was armed with my favorite soft bait, the 4″ Maniac Salt Stick, and like last year it delivered once again. There’s nothing like wacky-rigging it and bouncing it along the layered rocky shoals of Tenkiller to get that ferocious strike from a smallmouth bass!

We were also product testing the new 6″ Maniac Minnow which proved to be an awesome bait. The chartreuse model produced the most strikes and fish. The various models of white also did well, but the bass clearly went after the chartreuse more often.

Even though the weather was iffy the whole time, a great day was had by all!!

If you would like to experience smallmouth fishing at it’s finest, I highly recommend a fishing trip with Thomas Guide Service. Rocky will get you on fish!

New Lake Records

Here are the newest lake records around Oklahoma:

Lake Ft. Cobb Crappie, 2.5 lbs. caught by Shanon Pack

Lake Hefner Smallmouth bass, 6.5 lbs. caught by Bryan P. Suchy

Lake Wes Watkins Crappie, 2.7 lbs. caught by Cory Gray

Lake Texoma Spotted bass, 3.8 lbs. caught by Royce Harlan

Lake Robert S. Kerr Spotted bass, 3.4 lbs. caught by Joe Erwin

Lake Shawnee Twins #1 Crappie, 2.1 lbs. caught by Lucas Ellis

Lake Oologah Crappie, 2.5 lbs. caught by Cody McEndree

For more on the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation’s lake record fish program, including a user-friendly record fish search feature, Click Here.

April Free Lures Winner

Twice a month, www.OklahomaFishingGuides.com awards free lures & tackle to lucky fishing report subscribers.

In addition, once a quarter a lucky subscriber will win an Original Readi-Lure tackle box from Tackle Tech AND at the end of the year, one lucky subscriber will win an IM6 Hookhider Fishing Rod.

This month’s free lures winner is Larry Y. from Norman, Oklahoma. Larry will receive an assortment of lures & tackle from Lead Babies Slabs, SnapTail Lures, Alluring’s Swimmer Babies, Maniac Custom Lures, Krappie Killer Jigs and our newest sponsor Haggerty Lures.

Want a chance to win free fishing lures & fishing tackle OR a new tackle box OR an IM6 graphite fishing rod? Sign Up Here!

Country Music Star Blake Shelton Lands Lake Record Paddlefish

Lake Hudson Oklahoma Record Paddlefish caught by Blake Shelton

Country music star and avid outdoorsman Blake Shelton of Tishomingo landed a lake record paddlefish April 13 when he reeled in a 40 lb. fish from below the Lake Hudson dam.

The fish measured 41 inches in length and was caught by way of snagging — the most common approach to catching “spoonbills.” Paddlefish do not strike lures or live bait but instead feed on tiny organisms called plankton.

“I have been an outdoorsman my whole life and I love to hunt and fish,” Shelton, 33, said. “I have been fishing as long as I can remember, and catching a paddlefish is the most exciting kind of fishing I have ever experienced.”

Shelton’s lake record comes just as the paddlefish angling in northeast Oklahoma is peaking. The best time to fish for paddlefish is during the spring (usually late March to mid-April) when the fish move up from reservoirs into rivers for their annual spawning run. The fish travel upstream and become concentrated, making it easier for anglers to locate good fishing spots.

The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation’s lake record fish program was initiated in 2008 to recognize big fish from certain lakes and the anglers who catch them.

The program has grown from about a dozen lakes at its inception to more than 40 lakes today. So anglers all over the state can go fishing just for leisure, but they can also go with a sense of competitive drive in hopes of putting their name in a record book.

Species eligible for spots in the lake records book include blue, channel and flathead catfish and largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass in addition to crappie, paddlefish, striped bass, striped bass hybrids, sunfish (combined) walleye/saugeye and white bass. Minimum weights are set for each species and are detailed on the Wildlife Department’s Web site at http://www.wildlifedepartment.com/.

Anglers who catch a potential record from a participating lake should contact designated business locations around the lake that are enrolled as lake record keepers. A listing of official lake record keepers is available on http://www.wildlifedepartment.com/.

Once it has been determined that an angler has landed a record fish, the media is notified and the public will be able to view information about the catch on the Wildlife Department’s Web site at http://www.wildlifedepartment.com/.

An easily-operated search feature is available on the Web site that allows those interested to view a wealth of lake record fish information, ranging from the size of record fish caught to what kind of bait or rod and reel was used to catch them.

All past and current state record fish are registered in the lake record fish program as records for their respective lakes.

For more information about the lake record fish program, or for more on bass fishing in Oklahoma, log on to http://www.wildlifedepartment.com/.

New Sponsor – Haggerty Lures

Win Haggerty Lures, Custom Flies and Jigs
Please welcome our newest fishing lure sponsor, Haggerty Lures!

Haggerty Lures specializes in custom made Marabou Jigs & Flies for all types of freshwater, fly fishing & saltwater fishing.

With their lures you’ll be catching the following fish & more; Steelhead, Salmon, Walleye, Muskie, Trout, Perch, Largemouth & Smallmouth Bass, Sunfish, Bluegills & other panfish, Carp, Crappie, Bonefish, Redfish, Tarpon, Stripers, Bluefish, Baracuda, Shark…

Currently offered on their site; Marabou jigs in many shapes & sizes, egg jigs, bass jigs, chenille jigs great for ice fishing, including glow-in-the-dark jigs for dusk, spinnerbait lures, buzz bait, bucktail jigs, deceiver flies/jigs, clouser minnows, baitfish, bunny flies, panfish bugz, and an ever expanding line of fly tying supplies including Danville thread and chenille, strung marabou feathers, hooks, painted & unpainted jig heads, Krystal flash.

Coming soon; flashabou, more hooks, 3D eyes, holographic eyes, vises and more.

Tight Lines and Clear Skies …