Oklahoma Fishing Guides

OKWD Benefit Raffle for Fishing Trip

Win a striper fishing trip to Lake Ouchita
Guide David Clark of Fish On! is sponsoring a raffle for a fishing trip to benefit the OKWD Hybrid/Striper programs. The details are as follows:


All Money to benefit the Oklahoma Wildlife Department

I am raffling off a weekend Striper fishing trip to Lake Ouachita (20 miles W of Hot Springs Ark).

It is $20 per ticket and I will only sell 50. 100% of the money will be donated to the Oklahoma Wildlife Department. They will quadruple all funds donated.

The $1000.00 donated will become $4000.00. The money will be used towards the Oklahoma Hybrid/Striper programs. The drawing will be at the OSBA Nov. meeting. (do not have to be present to win)

This is for a day and a half of fishing, and up to four anglers. We would meet at daylight Sat. morning (1 usually camp) go in for a shore lunch (hopefully fish fry) go back out, fish till dark and fish Sunday morning till about 11am and then pack up and come home.

It is for a fall/winter trip either the fall/winter of 2007/2008 or 2008/2009. (I consider fall/winter being Nov. thru Jan.)

The biggest fish that we have caught there has been in Nov. Dec, and Jan. This is for the fishing part of the trip only. If you don’t want to camp, there are a couple of fairly nice motels on the water front for about $65 a night.

To purchase your ticket, call me at 918-724-6786 or email me at David@FishOnOK.com.