Oklahoma Fishing Guides

Lake Tenkiller Smallies

Bass fishing at Lake Tenkiller Oklahoma with fishing guide Rocky Thomas Jr.

For readers of this blog, you know that I always treat myself to a fishing trip for my birthday. And like last year, I went back to Lake Tenkiller for a great smallies trip with fishing guide Rocky Thomas Jr. My fishing buddy Harry joined in and the three of us had a great time out on the lake.

I was armed with my favorite soft bait, the 4″ Maniac Salt Stick, and like last year it delivered once again. There’s nothing like wacky-rigging it and bouncing it along the layered rocky shoals of Tenkiller to get that ferocious strike from a smallmouth bass!

We were also product testing the new 6″ Maniac Minnow which proved to be an awesome bait. The chartreuse model produced the most strikes and fish. The various models of white also did well, but the bass clearly went after the chartreuse more often.

Even though the weather was iffy the whole time, a great day was had by all!!

If you would like to experience smallmouth fishing at it’s finest, I highly recommend a fishing trip with Thomas Guide Service. Rocky will get you on fish!