Oklahoma Fishing Guides

Great Salt Plains Lake Catfish Stocking

Last week Wildlife Department fisheries personnel stocked more than 100,000 channel catfish into Great Salt Plains Lake in northcentral Oklahoma. The stocking comes after high temperatures and prolonged drought led to a major fish kill at the lake this summer.

“We conducted several gill net surveys last month and we found out the fish kill was very significant,” said John Stahl, northwest region fisheries supervisor for the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. “The good news is that this has always been a productive lake and we expect the fish populations to bounce back over the next few years. In the meantime, we’re going to do everything we can to help Mother Nature along.”

In coming weeks biologists are planning on stocking an additional 40,000 channel catfish, each about 5 ½” long. The catfish should grow to catchable size by next year. Next summer, if water levels are favorable, Department officials will stock both blue and flathead catfish in the lake.

“We’re going to monitor fish populations in the lake very closely over the next few years and make management decisions to ensure this fishery is as healthy as it can be,” Stahl said.

Editor’s Note: Story compliments of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.

Oklahoma Caviar Coming Soon?

An innovative concept to turn a commodity that is typically thrown away by anglers into dollars is currently under consideration by the Wildlife Conservation Commission. The idea involves collecting, processing and selling paddlefish eggs as caviar on the international market.

Historically, caviar has come from sturgeon in the Caspian Sea, however that fishery has essentially collapsed and will not be able to produce sturgeon caviar for at least 25 years. Caviar made from paddlefish eggs has proven to be a comparable, if not equal, substitute for sturgeon caviar. As the supply of caviar has decreased, the demand, and price, for a caviar substitute has increased.

Paddlefish are found in several river drainages in the state, but the population in the Grand River system has been studied for the past 25 years. Each spring thousands of paddlefish move upstream to spawn. This fishery, arguably the healthiest paddlefish population in the United States, draws anglers from across the state and the nation for the chance to reel in one of the huge fish, which can exceed 100 pounds.

Many of these anglers choose to clean their fish and take home the meat, however, the eggs are often discarded. The Wildlife Department proposed to the Wildlife Conservation Commission that the eggs be voluntarily collected from sport anglers so they could be sold to fund paddlefish research, management and law enforcement. Similar operations have been in place in Montana and North Dakota since 1989.

After discussion the Wildlife Conservation Commission voted to finance a feasibility study and business plan for the project to determine if the proposal would be financially feasible in Oklahoma.

Editor’s Note: What are your thoughts on Oklahoma Caviar – a good idea? Story compliments of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.

SE OK Trout Fishing Expanded

Oklahoma trout stream improvements report.  Click on image to enlarge.
Not only has the trout fishing been improved in southeast Oklahoma, there is also a brand new area to try your luck.

Fisheries personnel with the Wildlife Department told the Wildlife Conservation Commission at their November meeting about ¾ of a mile of trout stream which has been added or improved at the Lower Mountain Fork River.

With bulldozers, backhoes and a good deal of imagination, streams biologists created a brand new ¼-mile trout stream, dubbed Lost Creek. Water was diverted into an ancient stream channel through dense woods and boulders creating a unique area for anglers to try to fool wary trout.

A separate ½-mile stretch of the Lower Mountain Fork River, known as the Evening Hole, once had a poor reputation among trout anglers. The warm, slow-moving, muddy water in the area was not favored by the rainbow and brown trout stocked by the Wildlife Department. However, streams biologists saw the potential in the area and felt if they could narrow the channel and provide more habitat, the trout, followed by trout anglers, would quickly begin using the area.

Biologists used 600 dump truck loads of gravel to narrow the river channel, causing the water to remain cooler and move through the Evening Hole faster. With the addition of large rocks, logs and islands, fisheries personnel transformed once sub-par trout habitat into a first class fishing area.

The Commission voted to establish special trout fishing regulations on the Evening Hole and Lost Creek areas. Upon gubernatorial approval, anglers must use only artificial lures with barbless hooks and may harvest only one rainbow trout and one brown trout 20-inches or longer per day. When the proposed regulations were opened to public input recently, the Department received overwhelming support of the new regulations which are geared toward providing a high quality trout fishery.

Editor’s Note: Story compliments of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.

Lake Tenkiller Smallies

Lake Tenkiller smallmouth bass fishing report submitted by Darris Smith
Avid Lake Tenkiller smallie fisherman Darris Smith sent in this picture and report:

This is a nice smallmouth in the 3lb range. I took the picture and then released it. I didn’t want to keep it out of the water any longer to put it on the scales. I have been cathing some nice smallmouth & spotted bass in deep water using jigs.

It’s funny, I used to only fish for largemouth bass but have found myself fishing mainly for the deep bite lately. All thru this fall season I haven’t yet run a buzzbait on the bank. Yeah, I’m hooked on these smallies.

Editor’s Note: Thanks for the report Darris. What a nice bass and beautiful spot on the lake. No wonder you are hooked on Lake Tenkiller and smallmouth fishing!

Lake Tenkiller Flathead Catfish

Lake Tenkiller Oklahoma fishing report from Darris Smith
Avid Lake Tenkiller fisherman Darris Smith sent in these pictures and report from his summer spent on his new houseboat:

This is the 14.5lb flathead I caught on a live shad from the back of my houseboat while I was trying to take a nap.

And speaking of naps, my fishin’ buddies soak up that warm sun while out smallie fishing.

Editor’s note: Thanks for the report Darris. Don’t you hate it when a big ol’ catfish wakes you up from a perfect summer’s nap on the boat? 😉

BTW – what are your fishin’ buddies names?

(Click image to enlarge)

Oklahoma Trout Stocking Season In Play

On April 10, 2005, Jason Archie of Broken Bow, Oklahoma caught a brown trout that not only surpassed the old record, it nearly doubled it with a catch of 17-pound, 4.64-ounces
The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation has begun the fall stocking schedule of Rainbow Trout and Brown Trout . The lakes and rivers included in the program are;

Lake Altus Lugert, Blue River, Lake Clayton, Lake Carl Etling, Illinois River, Mountain Fork River, Lake Pawhuska, Robbers Cave and Lake Watonga.

View the entire stocking schedule at: www.wildlifedepartment.com/trtstok.htm

Editor’s Note: The photo above is the current record for Oklahoma Brown Trout set last year by Jason Archie of Broken Bow, Oklahoma. He nearly doubled the weight of the old record with this 17-pound, 4.64-ounce catch. Read the entire story at: www.wildlifedepartment.com/brownshattered.htm. The lunkers are out there…Get Fishing!!!

Lake Tom Steed Largemouths

Lake Tom Steed Largemouth Bass Fishing Report
Aspiring Pro Mike Giehl sends in this report from Lake Tom Steed:

“I managed to get out on the lake after two weeks of not being able to fish due to weather and dad/grandpa duties. Tom Steed seems slow right now – all the cold fronts and wind have had some effect. The five I did managed to pull in during my “one man tournament” seem to have been feeding on crawdads. The moon is full right now so night fishing world probably be good.”

Editor’s Note: Thanks for the report Mike. That looks like a mighty nice size largemouth bass. How big is it?

Stay Warm Fishing This Fall

Lake of the Arbuckles Fishing Guide Frank Hanna sent in this tip on how to stay warm when fishing in the fall and winter:

“Instead of wearing those old long johns, try wearing good comfortable sweat’s top and bottoms. You can wear two pair if it is really cold, 20 degrees or so, and the sweats will keep you warmer than any other underclothing. One thing I like about wearing sweats is I can still move around.”

Editor’s Note: Thanks for the tip Frank. It will be nice not having to listen to my wife complain about the holes in my sweats out on the boat!

Fall/Winter Record Fish

Oklahoma Record Blue Catfish caught on Lake Texoma, November 11th, 2004 by Billy Nabors
Although we are into the Fall/Winter season and there’s lots of football to watch on the weekend, I would like to remind everyone that 12% of the record fish registered in Oklahoma ocurred in the months of October, November & December. View the Oklahoma Fishing Records at: www.wildlifedepartment.com/listing.htm

So remember, the weather only bothers the fisherman! Dress warm and get out there…the big fish are still biting!

Lake Broken Bow Bass Report

Lake Broken Bow bass fishing report from Broken Bow Fishing Guide Bryce Archey
Broken Bow Fishing Guide Bryce Archey sent in this great photo of late fall bass fishing on Lake Broken Bow. His client caught these largemouth bass plus a couple of smallmouth bass in the 3 to 4 lb range.

The smallmouth bass fishing is getting good now with quality fish being caught on a consistent basis. In fact, all fishing is really good now with Bryce and his clients catching around 25 to 30 fish on average per day.

Editor’s Note: Thanks for the report Bryce. Book your next fishing trip with Bryce Archey by visiting his website at www.BrokenBowLakeGuide.com or by calling him at 580-494-6447.