Avid fisherman Jason Price sends us this report from Lake Sahoma, just southwest of Tulsa:
I caught this bass in early November on an ultralight rod and reel with a 1/0 crappie hook.
I was fishing for crappie at the enclosed dock and landed this guy – nice surprise to nail your line when looking at 1/2 lb crappie all day long!
We weighed him up at the station there right above the dock and he weighed 4lbs. 7 ozs., well on his way to getting to be a big ‘ol fat guy.
The locals say there are bass in Lake Sahoma commonly twice the size he was, so I am looking forward to some decent weather once all this ice and extreme cold goes away to get back there with some of the bass gear and hit some other spots on the lake.
Also there is another small lake directly next to Lake Sahoma, and in November, the Wildlife Department released some odd thousands of trout and catfish into, so if anyone is looking to trout fish, its a great place and perfect time of year to catch them…good luck to all.
Editor’s Note: Thanks for the report Jason! Lots of times the smaller lakes are better trophy bass fisheries due to low fishing pressure and your experience proves it. Also, the Wildlife Department link above goes to the trout stocking schedule around Oklahoma.