Oklahoma Fishing Guides

Lake Ozzie Cobb

Lake Ozzie Cobb Oklahoma
On my way to Lake Broken Bow and the Mountain Fork River last week, I discovered that nearby (only about 3 miles) is Lake Ozzie Cobb, an Oklahoma Wildlife Department lake.

Considered to be a good bass lake, OZ also has crappie, bluegill and catfish across 116 surface acres and 4 miles of shoreline.

The road coming off the main road appears to have been recently re-graveled, but once you get to the lake, you really need to have a truck to navigate. There is a boat ramp, but otherwise, conditions are primitive.

If you are one of those real troupers – who like to rough it away from everybody – then Lake Ozzie Cobb is your kind of place. While I was there exploring and taking pictures, huge fish were jumping everywhere! If I didn’t have an appointment, I would of stayed and fished.

For more information, go to: Oklahoma Wildlife Department of Conservation

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