Oklahoma Fishing Guides

Mike visits Alluring Lures & Tackle

Fishing guide Mike Diehl visits Alluring Lures and Tackle Company, home of Lead Babies Slabs in Cordell, Oklahoma.Fishing guide Mike Diehl of Lake Tom Steed sends us this “fishing report”:

When was the last time you had a great day out and never even got a line wet? Well for me it was last Friday when I decided to head just a little bit north of Lake Tom Steed to visit the great folks at Alluring Lures & Tackle Company, home of Lead Babies Slabs and numerous other great products (and long time sponsor of www.OklahomaFishingGuides.com).

Not only did I get to visit with a few of the great people and businesses in Cordell Oklahoma, but my trip to Alluring Lures & Tackle was much more than I expected. Owner Dennis Slaughterback (second picture – click pic to enlarge) was in and what a tour I got! Dennis personally helps produce all the great products and he sure does know his stuff. He was absolutely great and gave me the complete tour explaining the production equipment and methods and I must say it was far more involved than I ever imagined.

What I found was simply amazing to this wanna-be pro fishermen. Not only do they make and hand paint each and every Lead Babies Slab and Jig, they also have a fantastic stock of all kinds of soft baits as well, painted right there on site. The colors and variety were fantastic and the attention to quality and detail are top notch. One of the little secrets that I can share is about their jigs; a simple name for a product that I think will catch fish anywhere. A small Lead Babies style .75 oz head is married with a jig tail and weed guarded hook. It looks great and the action has to be enticing to fish of all kinds.

I don’t think I will ever look at another lure the same after my visit and I sure won’t complain so much about the price of any manufacturers’ lures now that I have seen what it takes to produce a quality product and to get them to the stores.

Not only does Alluring Lures & Tackle Company have a great line up of products, they have a great little tackle shop store front that not only sells their products, but much much more. I found just about everything a guy or gal headed to the lake could use or should probably have ready for that great day out on the water. They even sell a little bit of crafts too, including handmade knifes, candles, cook books, pottery and souvenirs.

My wife accompanied me, and I was positive she was not going to be thrilled with more fishing tackle and fishing talk, but she had a great time as well. She was just as intrigued as I was at the manufacturing process and the detail and colors of the products, not to mention the crafts.

Dennis was just great and I sure wish Connie, Dennis’ wife and co-owner was there. Connie was out sick and I certainly wish her well. They have done a fine job with the products and store. I can’t wait to go back again soon to see what they are up to and until then, I will be at Lake Tom Steed bumping some Lead Babies Slabs and casting some really cool jigs hoping for a new personal best.

Mike D, view my fishing pictures

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